Tuesday, March 9, 2021
My condolences to Marie and the family. My first memories are of living in Bombala across the road from Eric and Marie. Like Anthony, I too remember milking the cow (Clarabel). A lovely, ornery old thing that would repeatedly kick the bucket over. As a very small child however, I also remember being allowed to ride her around the paddock. Eric (as well as Marie) was a constant and reassuring presence in my early years. Gruff, cheeky, but with a heart of gold, I would usually find him tending to the garden (when I wasn't in the kitchen trying to cadge baked goods from Marie). I'd like to think those early years of being outside with him have helped fuel my enjoyment of getting out into the garden now. I'm fairly sure he was responsible for my entire family's obsession with Backgammon, a game that always comes out whenever we get together. He was fiendishly good at it though. I always revelled in those rare occasions where I managed to take a game from him. I also like to think he was at least partly responsible for my love of old soul, jazz and blues music. Nina Simone was a particular favourite if I remember correctly. Eric was always a strong and steady presence in our lives when we were growing up. He was like a grandfather to my siblings and I, at a time when we lived a long way from our actual grandparents. Thanks for all the great times, strange pastimes I've picked up, and enduring life lessons. Rest well.
Matt Barnard